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It's just a picture-text of how my eyes has seen events!

Friday, 7 October 2016


Now, I have compelled myself to write on this topic, albeit it is not a popular subject but it is an ignored cancer ravaging the society with impunity.
First let's define these terms:
Affinity refers to a natural liking for or attraction to a person, thing, idea, etc. A person, thing, idea, etc., for which such a natural liking or attraction is felt. It's quite simply said. Consanguinity refers to blood relationship; the relation of people who descend from the same ancestor. The use of the word Affinity in legal terms refers to relationship between people who are not related by blood but are related by marriage.
Sexual relationship are almost universally prohibited within the second degree of consanguinity. Some jurisdictions forbid marriage between first cousins, while others do not. Marriage with aunts and uncles (avunculate marriage) is legal in several countries. This easily condemnable...but it is becoming difficult to do so now,with the rise of so much insane relationship the prohibition of affinity and consanguinity is getting lean, even by the second.
"Among modern Arabs the practice of marrying of relatives is a common feature. In the Arab world today between 40% and 50% of all marriages are consanguineous or between close family members, though these figures may vary among Arab nations.
In Egypt, around 40% of the population marry a cousin. A 1992 survey in Jordan found that 32% were married to a first cousin; a further 17.3% were married to more distant relatives. 67% of marriages in Saudi Arabia are between close relatives as are 54% of all marriages in Kuwait, whereas 18% of all Lebanese were between blood relatives.
It is estimated that 55% of marriages between Pakistani Muslim immigrants in the United Kingdom are between first cousins, where preferential patrilateral parallel cousin marriage (where a boy marries the daughter of his father's brother) is often favored.
The list of forbidden marriage partners, as read in the Qur'an, Surah 4:23, specifically omits first cousins. Mohammed himself married Zaynab, his first cousin."
Excerpt from Wikipedia
A mum and son who say they are ‘madly in love’ have vowed to remain together despite a court order that they should stay away from each other.
The 36-year-old mother, Monica Mares, and her son Caleb Peterson, 19, will be standing trial on incest charges in Clovis, US state of New Mexico in September.
Genetic disorders
Further information: Inbreeding
The phenomenon of inbreeding, or endogamy, increases the level of homozygotes for autosomal genetic disorders and generally leads to a decreased biological fitness of a population known as inbreeding depression, a major objective in clinical studies. The offspring of consanguineous relationships are at greater risk of certain genetic disorders. Autosomal recessive disorders occur in individuals who are homozygous for a particular recessive gene mutation. This means that they carry two copies (alleles) of the same gene. Except in certain rare circumstances (new mutations or uniparental disomy) both parents of an individual with such a disorder will be carriers of the gene. Such carriers are not affected and will not display any signs that they are carriers, and so may be unaware that they carry the mutated gene. As relatives share a proportion of their genes, it is much more likely that related parents will be carriers of an autosomal recessive gene, and therefore their children are at a higher risk of an autosomal recessive disorder. The extent to which the risk increases depends on the degree of genetic relationship between the parents; so the risk is greater in mating relationships where the parents are close relatives, but for relationships between more distant relatives, such as second cousins, the risk is lower (although still greater than the general population).

The low genetic heterozygosity associated with increased consanguinity in a population (identified by microsatellite markers) increases its susceptibility to infectious pathogens such as tuberculosis and hepatitis.
A notable historical example of the detrimental effects of consanguinous marriages is the now-extinct House of Habsburg.

We humans are designed to survive.  That means we are instinctively driven to reproduce to continue the species.  Successful reproduction thrives on a variety of  gene mash ups happening in our families.  This means we need new genes constantly, genes that come from outside the family.
Here’s the thing: we are naturally and instinctively ,sexually and emotionally attracted to people with whom we have most in common.  People tend to select mates that are like themselves; this is known as assortative mating. This holds both for physical appearances and mental traits. People commonly rank faces similar to their own as more attractive, trustworthy, etc. than average. Perhaps people have even told you that you and your partner look alike- is that by chance? Not according to science- its your way of natural selection to increase and enrich the gene pool and its the face with which you feel most comfortable.
GSA is rare between people raised together in early childhood, as most siblings have evolved to prevent incest. A mum and son who say they are ‘madly in love’ have vowed to remain together despite a court order that they should stay away from each other. It is indeed not just a foreign idea, it is in our locality, amongst us...un-adressed.



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